In a heartwarming tale from 2015, a young girl received an unforgettable birthday surprise while traveling with her mother. Carly Boyle, then seven years old, found herself on a plane with her mom, completely unaware that the legendary musician Steven Tyler was seated just in front of them.
Known for his affinity for his fans, Tyler overheard conversations behind him about Carly’s special day and decided to make it even more memorable. Turning around, he serenaded Carly with a rendition of “Happy Birthday,” much to her delight.
Carly’s mother, Susan, captured the touching moment on her smartphone, recording Tyler as he sang and interacted with Carly. At one point, Tyler even took hold of the phone, pretending to film a selfie video while continuing to sing and blow kisses to the camera, adding an extra layer of joy to Carly’s birthday celebration.
How would you react if Steven Tyler sang for you on your birthday? Let us know in the comments – and make sure you pass this along to your friends and family!