A heartwarming tale unfolded in Missouri as a young woman embarked on a secret mission to save her father’s life by donating one of her kidneys after he was diagnosed with a severe kidney condition.
John Ivanowski faced a daunting battle with IgA nephropathy, a kidney disease with potentially devastating consequences, according to Good Morning America. Despite his daughter Delayne Ivanowski’s offers to donate a kidney, he repeatedly refused, not wanting to burden her.
However, Delayne, a 25-year-old nurse from Kirkwood, Missouri, was determined to help her father. After learning that John’s health was rapidly declining, she decided to proceed with her plan, keeping it a secret for nine months as she underwent testing and preparations to become a donor.
Despite concerns about the risks and potential repercussions, especially considering the loss of their only other child to cancer over 15 years ago, Delayne remained resolute. She received approval as a donor, and the surgery was initially scheduled for October 30, 2022, but was delayed due to an accident John had while setting up a deer stand.
Finally, on February 16, the transplant surgery took place. Delayne managed to keep her plan under wraps, surprising her father the next day by revealing what she had done. A TikTok video capturing the emotional moment went viral, showcasing John’s initial shock and subsequent gratitude.
The surgeries were successful, and John expressed immense relief and appreciation for his daughter’s selfless act. Despite the financial strain of medical bills, Delayne started a GoFundMe campaign to help cover the costs, acknowledging her parents’ sacrifices throughout her life and her desire to support them during this challenging time. The campaign has received generous support, reflecting the touching impact of their story.